It’s March and somehow we’re still getting snow! Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the snow, but it feels a bit more appropriate to have a snowfall in January and February with sub-zero temperatures, rather than a snow flurry followed by a fifty-degree sunny day- oh well! At least the weather is giving me […]
One of the nutrition myths I hate the most is, “all white foods are bad”. While yes, marshmallow fluff, canned vanilla frosting, and solidified bacon lard are not the most healthy white colored foods to consume on the regular, no one is trying to pretend they are! Yet many people shake their finger at white […]
Want to know one of my secrets to conjuring up a delicious and nutritious meal? Always be prepared! Okay, so maybe it’s not that big of a secret, but having a stocked pantry and fridge makes healthy eating come together that much more seamlessly. Being prepared especially comes in handy when it’s cold outside and […]