Main Dish

Who else has skin that hates the dry winter weather? For the past two years I have developed painfully dry hands, but the funny thing is, it only affects two of my fingertips. I’m not kidding! My left hand stays hydrated after numerous hand-washes at work and at home, but my right hand has two […]

Mexican Kabocha Squash Skillet

Main Dish

Post-Thanksgiving, I wanted to nothing more than bursts of exotic flavors coming out of my kitchen. I craved spice, umami, and lots of fresh herbs and spices! So, the first dish to satisfy that hankering was an Asian-inspired buddah bowl. I incorporated one of my favorite vegetables- broccoli- because Danny was traveling for work and […]

Ginger Soy Broccoli Bowl

Main Dish

One of the nutrition myths I hate the most is, “all white foods are bad”. While yes, marshmallow fluff, canned vanilla frosting, and solidified bacon lard are not the most healthy white colored foods to consume on the regular, no one is trying to pretend they are! Yet many people shake their finger at white […]

Cauliflower Potato Soup

Main Dish

Who here loves a good soup for a cold fall day? Who here wants to stand over the stove for an hour plus watching it simmer and bubble away? Not me! While for some soups the time spent on the stove is non-negotiable for building the flavor profile, there are plenty other “quick soups” that […]

Tortellini Tomato Soup

Main Dish

What’s one food that your significant other just can’t get on board with? For my SO it was beans. If a black bean landed in a salsa at a Mexican restaurant, he would painstakingly pick each one out! It’s not that he’s one of those, “a meal isn’t a meal if it’s missing meat” kind […]

Chickpea Kale Bowl with Thai Almond Sauce

Main Dish

Are you looking for a classic spaghetti squash dish to add to your fall recipe collection? I’ve got you covered! As October hits I become a little squash crazed and find myself using different varieties most weeks throughout the fall and winter- acorn, spaghetti, butternut, or kabocha, I love them all and think you should […]

Tomato Basil Spaghetti Squash

Main Dish

Fall is undeniably my favorite season in terms of weather, cozy clothing, and hot beverages, but it’s tough to beat summer produce! As we speed through September, I wanted to give summer’s bounty one final hurrah, but with using my go-to fall kitchen appliance- my slow cooker. Danny and I are leaving for Italy at […]

Farewell Summer Ratatouille

Main Dish

When I’m needing to carb-load for a running race I always turn to pasta. Now, when I say “carbo-load” whose mind goes straight to Michael Scott shoving fettucini alfredo into his mouth minutes before the Dunder Mifflin 5k? This is a practice I do not advise, but I’m hoping you already figured that one out […]

Greek Pasta Salad

Main Dish

For your next Taco Tuesday I invite you to try my salsa verde tacos TWO WAYS. Danny and I don’t always want to have the same protein for dinner, which is totally fine, but on those nights when two different fillings are needed we try to keep the other ingredients and concept simple.  Danny’s fish […]

Salsa Verde Tacos Two Ways

Main Dish

Ah, summer nights- how do you like to spend yours? When the sun goes down and, hopefully, the temperatures get cooler, heading out for dinner for with a loved one is a great way to spend a summer weekend. Yet, at the same time, with tasty summer produce in full swing, sometimes cooking a meal […]

Summer Vegetable Tortellini

Main Dish