


If you can’t already tell from my Insta feed, let me make it known that I’m a pretty big fan of breakfast. To be a cliche, it really is the most important meal of the day for me and I just don’t feel right without it. It’s even become the meal I enjoy planning for […]

Egg White Oats


Do you have a back pocket pasta recipe? You know, one that’s easy to pull off for a weeknight dinner when your meal planning efforts fail, but pleases everyone in your house? With the arrival of spring and carbo-loading for the half marathon in full effect, I may have just discovered my new favorite back pocket […]

Caramelized Fennel Pasta

Main Dish

One of the most common food woes I hear from patients, friends, and family is about finding healthy snacks. You’re likely looking for something quick and easy that will give you energy to avoid an afternoon slump. For many people, that’s some form of snack bar- it’s individually packaged, can be healthy-ish, and doesn’t totally […]

Energy Bars and Bites


Today is March 14th, so math nerds, rejoice- it’s 3.14 or Pi Day! I’m celebrating today, not because I am a math nerd (I actually HATED math as kid), but because it’s also a snow day here in NYC and I’m spending the day in the kitchen whipping up some yummy recipes. While I may […]

Swiss Chard Frittata


Lately I’ve been challening myself to eat a mostly plant-based diet after reading the fascinating work of Dr. T. Colin Campbell in The China Study. While I am by no means a vegan and could absolutely NOT live without eggs, cheese, or yogurt, I do get bored of the same ol’ chicken breast, turkey burgers, […]

Butternut Squash and Black Bean Enchiladas

Main Dish

My readers and patients alike have frequently heard me talk about quick and easy meal ideas, especially breakfasts. After all, breakfast really is found to be one of the most important meals of the day as it is associated with reduced risk of overweight and obesity (Szajewska & Ruszczynski 2010); better glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, […]

Steel Cut Oats


I have found my forever squash. Some people love butternut, others love acorn, and some don’t discriminate between fall gourds, but I have fallen in love with kabocha squash and declare it my forever squash. Don’t get me wrong, I have a soft spot for butternut and love a good spaghetti squash to replace noodles, but […]

Spicy Miso Kabocha Squash


I have some breaking news- IT’S PUMPKIN SEASON!! But first, I have a confession- I’ve never used canned pumpkin before. As a lover of whole foods and scratch cooking, the only times I’ve ever had pumpkin puree in my kitchen was after scooping seeds, roasting, more scooping, and mashing pumpkin flesh from a whole pumpkin. […]

Pumpkin Butter and Pumpkin Oat Bites


Happy Friday! I especially love Fridays in the fall. Walking to dinner at 7 PM when it’s already dark out and there’s a crisp breeze in the air is one of my favorite things about Fall Fridays in New York. But cozying into a sweater after the work week with a glass of red wine, […]

Italian Egg Muffins


What is UP with this cold weather? Just as I was shaking out my flats and dresses the temperature drops overnight! But I guess I’m not completely upset, as it gave me the chance to try out another warming soup recipe. Well, it is actually a salad disguised as a soup, or a soup disguised […]

Curry “Salad Soup” with Tofu

Main Dish